Denny: There are no magic wildflower seeds. Seeds sown now will begin emerging in the spring. Unless you are a skilled botanist, you will not be able to distinguish from the wildflower sprouts and the spring crop of weeds and invasive plants. If the weeds grow to maturity and spread to your neighbors’ lawns. They or their lawn care service will probably use products that contain herbicides to control the weeds. These toxic products will get into the watershed. Soooo ... wildflowers are lovely but weeding requires some skill and very tiring stoop labor. Don’t grow wildflowers unless you are willing to work hard to control weeds and invasive plants in the beds.
There was once a society that said, "Don't plant wildflowers. They'll just add to diversity and increase the complexities that are essential to Life. They'll provoke the people who hate Life, the people with sprays and powders, with machines and poisons. How much better off society would be if we simply paved the entire town."