Friday, November 2, 2018


"A Party Defined by its Lies" - Paull Krugman

Response in the Comments section:

Republicans lie about their agenda because they must. They lie because the greatest threat to human survival cannot be talked about. Look at their policies. Taken as whole, they point to a single objective: environmental sustainability. How to get there? First, secure the power of the wealthy by helping them build legal and political walls around their wealth; make their class unassailable. Second, weaken the masses; reduce food support; take away health care; keep wages low so the poor are so busy making a living that they have no time to protest, or even to know that they are dispensable; take away social security so people have no free time to evaluate what's happening to them; make it difficult for people to vote. Third, close the borders, reduce immigration and cut subsidies to foreign countries; make the dark-skinned people of the world know they too are dispensable. Republicans are dealing with a problem Demcrats refuse to even talk about: overpopulation. The world has five billion more people than it can support sustainably. The rich don't want to curtail their lifestyles, so Republican have come up with a solution: let nature have it way with the masses. Quietly orchestrate a massive die-off. That would return the world to health in a couple of generations. The rich could then hunt elephants and lions with no fear of their going extinct.
The only sensible way to solve the problem of overpopulation is through lower birth rates, but population control is taboo.

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