It's part of the male gene, the need to get ahead by first destroying something. One man defeats a rival for political dominance. Another crushes a meadow under cocrete as an architectural claim on territory. War. Dam building. Teasing a girl - a put down - as a way to win her.
But what does a man in America do if he has lost every battle? It's not his fault, by the way. He was tricked. Bamboozled. Cheated. Men blame someone else. Trump is the quintessential example: never takes responsibility for anything that goes wrong.
Well, thank god, the defeated man can buy an AR-15, and with it shoot kids in a school or partiers at a club or worshippers in a synagogue. Well thank god the U.S. President is the Commander--in-chief and can orffer up the army. He can feel like a real man by destroying something. Or by killing somebody.
We don't need to ban guns. We just need to prohibit men from having them.
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