Friday, October 5, 2018

Two Kinds of People

There are two kinds of people

One says, “I should never have worn that dress."

The other says, "It’s clear she was asking for it."

One says, “Think of all the starving children in Africa.”

The other says, “Eat your supper, or else . . .”

One says, "Save the planet for the children."

The other says, "An elephant hunt is on my bucket list."

One says, “We can solve the over-population problem by having fewer children.”

The other says, “We can solve the over-population problem by closing the borders and eliminating the safety net.”

One says, “Society is safer with fewer guns.”

The other says, “I feel safer with more guns.”

One says, “Keep abortion legal because all Life matters.”

The other says, “Make abortion illegal because only human life matters.”

One says, “I think he needs our understanding.”

The other says, “I think he needs a smack in the face.”

One says, “We should spend more on the diplomatic corps.”

The other says, “We should spend more on the military.”

One says, “The purpose of education is to make good citizens.”

The other says, “The purpose of education is to make obedient workers.”

One says, “Flying pollutes.”

The other says, “I want to see all the pristine places while they last.”

One says, “Think about the future.”

The other says, “To hell with tomorrow; live for today.”

One says, “Stud tires gouge roads.”

The other says, “So what? Most taxpayers never use stud tires, so I ride for free.”

One says, “I have to stop complaining, and fix what I can fix.”

The other says, “I have to stop complaining and start blaming others.”

One says, “What an unsightly mess. Let’s clean it up.”

The other says, “We didn’t throw the litter on the ground. It’s not our responsibility.”

One says, “I am for protecting all Life because Life itself has been severely damaged by too many humans.”

The other says, “I am for protecting human life because human life is the only life that matters.”

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